
Use our ROI calculator

High employee turnover is a silent killer for businesses, costing thousands (or even millions) of dollars annually. WorkTaps helps you break this cycle by leveraging the power of employee referrals to attract and retain top talent.

Delivering Significant ROI

Faster time to hire and greater retention yields huge cost savings for WorkTaps customers.

my number of Employees

0 80k+

my annual goal Retention

0 100%

my goal for hires Referrals

0 100%
My yearly savings ...

Savings data based on $4,000 cost of replacing an hourly employee and 70% retention of referred hires. Contact us to learn more about your cost savings with WorkTaps.

Ready to see the ROI of employee referrals?

Book a free demo today!

Discuss your referral hiring goals and see how WorkTaps can help you achieve them.